Ground water quality comprises the physical, chemical and
biological qualities of groundwater. Temperature, turbidity and test make the
list of physical water quality parameters. Naturally ground water contains
minerals ions. These ions slowly dissolve from soil particles sediments and
rocks as the water travels along minerals surfaces in the pores of unsaturated
zones. They are refers to as dissolved solids. The total mass of dissolve
constituents is as total dissolve solids. A higher total dissolve solid means
there more ions in water. Due to more ions waters electrical conductivity
increases. At high concentration of total dissolve solid water becomes saline.
Water with a TDS (total dissolve solid) above 500mg/l is not recommended for
drinking water whereas water with TDS above 1500mg/l is generally considered
problematic for irrigation use.
High concentration of metal can be found in ground water near
contaminated resources. Some trace constituent that are associated with
industrial pollution such as arsenic and chromium may also occur that are high
enough to make the water unsuitable as drinking water. They are sometime toxic
Microbial document is a natural constituent of ground water
but human activities can alter natural composition of ground water through the
disposal of chemicals and microbial matter at the land surface and into the
soil through injection of waste and directly to the ground water. Such
activities of human can be abolished by organizing awareness programme among
illiterate mass about the importance of ground water. Disposal of wastes in
landfill area similarly proper disposal of chemical or hazardous wastes
concentrated constituent may remain in ground water for long time.